Top Ten (favourite) Photos of 2022

Well another year has come to an end and once again I have put together a collection of the top ten favourite photos I have made during that time. As always. it is not necessarily the technical ‘best’ photos of the year, but the ones that are special to me for one reason or another. Once you have had a chance to review them, I invite your comments or questions and would be interested in knowing which one(s) you liked best, and why. Please note, that these are not in order of preference. Without further ado, here they are:

There you have it. I’m sure you wonder why I didn’t provide an explanation of my photos this year. That’s because I’m making some changes and trying something different. If you check out my YouTube video, you can hear more about the images and my thoughts.

From the images above, you can see that 40% are black and white, 5 involve water, there’s an abstract one, one animal and one night shot. As for the cameras I used, they were the iPhone 13 Pro, FujiFilm GFX100S, the Canon R5 and the Canon 6D Mark II, with a variety of lenses.

As I was mentioning, there are more changes coming, and I expect 2023 to be a big year in photography for me. I’ll let you know more about those things soon. I hope everyone has a very happy, healthy 2023!


Author: Sooke Photography Adventures

I'm Drake, the owner / photographer of Sooke Photography Adventures. I've been photographing and developing negatives and making prints since the days of film and currently focus on landscapes, seascapes and nature, although I've been known to shoot street, architectural and many other genres. While I really enjoy traveling with my cameras, my home base is Vancouver Island, where I offer photography workshops and spend most of my time.

2 thoughts

    1. Thanks Michael!

      There will be a little travel, but the furthest I have planned is the Oregon coast next month and Waterton Lakes National Park in May. I’m sure I’ll go “overseas” to the mainland a couple times as well. Maybe I’ll run into you somewhere over there!

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