Top Ten (Favourite) Images of 2015

After seeing some fantastic photos from other photographers this past year, my attention was brought to JMG Galleries “Blog Project: Your Best Photos From 2015” and I was inspired to go through my images from 2015 and put together my own top ten list.  The ten photos I chose for this are some of my favourites and cover a variety of styles.  I hope to take some even more creative and interesting photos over the course of 2016 and have an improved batch of top ten photos for next year.  

One thing going through my photos from 2015 has done, is given me the opportunity to see the progress I have made and realize that what I once thought was really good, now I see there is room for improvement in.  It should be a fun year.  I hope you will have a chance to enjoy my posts.

Sunbeams Illuminate the Path on the Wild Pacific Trail, Ucluelet, BC

Early in the year, I took a trip to Tofino and slipped down to Ucluelet for the day, were I enjoyed a hike around the Wild Pacific Trail.  I always find this part of Vancouver Island to be a very special place.

Empty Shell

On a hike in East Sooke Regional Park at low tide, I climbed up a small rocky island and found this egg shell.  At first I wondered if a little bird had hatched, but I noticed it wasn’t in a nest and there seemed to be some dried yolk on the rock just in front of the egg shell, so I was left believing another creature had lunch.

two ducks flying low over the water
Caught in Flight

Sometimes I like to go down to the waterfront in Sooke and just watch what is going on.  This time there were quite a few birds around, including these ducks, skimming over the water on a quiet morning.

rubber chicken face down on a bottle in a stream
A New Low

Once upon a time… one of my favourite photography sites, Oopoomoo, had a project called the “Chain Mail Chicken“, where they had several rubber chickens that they sent to photographers all over the country, to photograph and tell a story about.  I had been on the list to have one of the chickens visit me, but it flew the coop before it arrived and I never had the chance.  Not satisfied with this outcome, I met Henrietta chicken, and helped her search for her missing relative.  This was quite a fun challenge, and I enjoyed writing the story of Henrietta’s quest.

water flowing like silk over moss covered rocks at Mary Vine Falls
Mary Vine Falls

As you may have noticed, many of my photos are taken while I am on hikes, including this photo of Mary Vine Falls, near Sooke Potholes Provincial Park.

a group of people row a boat
Where Be The Vikings?

On another trip down to the local waterfront, I saw this group of people rowing what reminded me of a Viking boat, across the calm waters of the harbour.  I liked the look of it best with the selective colouring I used here.

Fisgard Lighthouse after dark with stars in the sky
Night Light(house)

This past summer I had the opportunity to stay after the park closed and take some photos of the park and Fisgard Lighthouse.  There was just enough lighting from Victoria to illuminate the lighthouse and allow me to get the stars without too much movement.

a little girl in a dress spins around in a circle
Dancing Queen

The summer in Victoria brings with it many festivals and I had been at Busker Fest for this particular day.  As I was walking between venues, I saw this young lady in her own world, dancing away with seemingly not a care in the world.  It was almost as if she had planned the shot for me, as she was right in the centre of an ornate circle.

window washer on the side of a building
Hanging From A Thread

Whenever I travel, even for a short day trip to Vancouver, I try and make sure I have my camera with me.  On this trip I had enough time to linger a little near Canada Place, where I saw this window washer seated on a tiny little platform, suspended by a couple simple ropes as he went about his day.

BC Leg
BC Legislature at Night

On a very rainy night in November, I thought it would be a good idea to take out my camera and get a picture of the BC Legislature building.  I got soaked, but kept my camera dry enough to continue working.

As I said, there were a variety of styles and genres of photos here and I plan on continuing to explore my creative side, so I hope you enjoyed this review and will be checking back, soon!

Author: Sooke Photography Adventures

I'm Drake, the owner / photographer of Sooke Photography Adventures. I've been photographing and developing negatives and making prints since the days of film and currently focus on landscapes, seascapes and nature, although I've been known to shoot street, architectural and many other genres. While I really enjoy traveling with my cameras, my home base is Vancouver Island, where I offer photography workshops and spend most of my time.

4 thoughts

    1. I grew up on the mainland, so I really appreciate all the places you share in your photos. Now that I’m living on the Island, I keep finding more and more to explore. Landscape photography is really my favourite, but I’ve been having a lot of fun trying out different things. For 2016 I will still be trying new things, but want to concentrate more on my landscapes. Thanks for taking the time to check out my post. 🙂

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